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Gems of Temuair


Where do gems come from, and more importantly, how do we polish them? Read through these notes and you shall find all the information you desire.


So as we all know, gem polishing is a necessity if you are studying the craft of the Priest. I myself have siblings who have worked their hands to the bone polishing gems so I can further my studies.


After my discussion with my siblings, I have decided that not enough information is out there on how to polish gems to the proper state you require.


I hope this helps you to make some truly beautiful gems! There is also other sections on gem related topics for your interest and to learn something you may not have known.




Gem Type and Locations


Different Gem Finishes

The Black Market

Piet Bank


Ring Crafting



Armour Crafting





© Claudine MacAmhlaigh 2020 & 2021(Sinead Esther McCauley)

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