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Requirements for gem polishing are;


  • Sandpaper (parchment, using melted beeswax to glue sand onto it)

  • A rough cloth

  • Bucket of water

  • Chopping/cutting board (made of wood or marble)


Make sure to throw a coin on the ground for luck and blink, then either begin to polish with an assistant or without.


Once you’re polishing, your mind will sort of go blank as you just work your sandpaper over the gem. Your hands will automatically seek out the most valuable gem in your satchel. However, if your fingers slip, and a delicate gem breaks, your hands will slip and crack the lowest value gem. For this reason alone, many rogues or archers will carry a small parcel of beryl fragments so they don’t destroy more expensive stones.


Every so often you may nod off and become frozen and jerky in your movements, if this happens you can simply give yourself a slight pinch. This will properly awaken your body from its stiff movements.  Another sure fire way to restore your mind to its productive state is to temporarily escape the ether, then return to your place. If your friend notices you are frozen they can give you a quick shove to bring you back to your senses.


Gem smithing is no mean feat, your chrysalis needs to be strong to complete this task, as well as any other rogue you may ask to help you. The more you practice this skill, the legend showing your feats and skills will slowly begin to reflect this.





gem smith legend.jpg

Through the experience of my sisters and brother, the higher your skill with polishing is the higher success rate you have. There will be less gems broken as your hands are far more experienced and muscle memory of polishing delicate gems will kick in.


Having a friend help you polish your gems means that sometimes, you can skip a state and polish a gem into a state quicker than you would alone. For example, with an assistant, two goes over of the stone would go from raw fragment to flawed, you would not make the gem uncut. This is why it's crucial to have a friend assist you and take your mind off of the task at hand when you are creating finished gems.


Below are two fragments of enchanted parchment I managed to capture in order to show the gem polishing techniques more clearly, to acompany the information here. 


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