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The Inn

On the east side of Blackstar village, I found a somewhat dirty Inn. In the Inn, there presided a rather talkative Innkeeper named Mikayla. The Innkeeper Mikayla is a frantic worrier, so to help her out, I rounded up some of the chickens, and put them back in their garden outside.


In an unattended part of the Inn there were vast jars and bottles with assorted potions and liquids in, as well as a few books. 


Here, I found an old history book, it was a bit dirty, and it had been damaged over time, but some pages were still readable.


I hastily copied down what I managed to decipher from the book.




[The pages stated that this place was once shrouded in magic, a strong concealment spell which would keep darkness at bay. It was written that when the 4th Empress started to amass her army and began The Shadows War, this place, known then as Hoige, would be able to escape the madness that the Dubhaimid unleashed like a plague. 

A powerful wizard from The Court of an Empress named Ealagad, had offered towns and villages a protection spell. The wizard had refused to be named, and the pages don’t hold much more information about him.]




Blackstar village, or Hoige as it was known, must have been one of those who took this offer gratefully.. However, that would mean.. This village outdated even us Aislings, and dates back to the time of Danaan herself. Before the very first year of Deoch even. 


Further around the Inn was some old entries in the Innkeepers book, she hadn’t had any guests in a long time..


In a bedside table, I found two loose pages of a diary, it appeared to belong to some mundane who had been a guest here once.

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Deoch 150, Summer, 6th Moon


There was a terrible bang today. Ailis was terrified and wouldn’t eat her bread, we all peered out of the window. Some strange beings appeared in the square for a mere moment. Strange that they appeared next to the statues of the saviours..


It may be to do with the veil. 


I’ll pray to Danaan this evening, that should keep us all safe for a little longer.

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Deoch 151, Fall, 4th Moon


I spoke to Jana about the strange appearance recently. My dear daughter Ailis, I do fear for her. Jana says that the veil is slowly being broken down.. Due to the wizard that broke through a few moons ago. 


There isn’t much to do, we must prepare ourselves for the madness that will surely have prevailed since the time we hid ourselves.

After scrabbling together these diary entries, I struggled to find much more. With the state of this inn, a lot of valuable information had gone rotten, or gotten wet, and some partially pecked at by..


Chickens, bloody chickens.

© Claudine MacAmhlaigh 2020 & 2021(Sinead Esther McCauley)

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