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Sensing a Threat

Deoch 158 was nearing towards an end, it was now Fall, when the sorcerer Error sought me out to advise me of what he’d found. He was called to investigate another strange report from a scout. The shimmering entrance had again briefly revealed the entrance that’d been seen deochs ago. This time the documents stated the scout had seen fortress walls overgrown with vines.


I recall that day I’d been working on some Troupe related documents when he gave me an awful fright! Error had a habit of appearing as if out of nowhere. The conversation we held was brief, but urgent. He advised me he'd been trying to find the village square he’d dragged us to a few deochs ago. 


Turns out he had successfully broke through to the town square again, however, there was.. A colourful, deranged sort of presence he’d encountered. In order to discover what their presence was and to determine if they were a threat to the Kingdom or not, Error had proposed to lead a group of strong Aislings through a portal to where he’d felt the.. Being.


King Bruce had announced a tournament of wits to determine which Aislings would honour the Kingdom by greeting this danger. A teacher was needed to hold this tourney of wits, as intelligence was valued more than strength in a feat such as this would be. A famed Artist by the name of UKTrouble was called in, he would be the judge of this contest, and would assist Error in gathering a group of individuals to journey through the portal.

No one would forget such an honour bestowed upon them by King Bruce.The winners, and the chosen group were as follows.


Myself, my husband EvilClown, Kano, UKTrouble, Lux, Xandra, Otil, Visi, Kurei, Heliel, Camellia and Friedpiper were to enter the portal lead by Error himself, as well as his sometimes assistant Trial.


The portal opened into an underground, dank and stuffy Crypt of sorts. It was barren and plain.

We cast protection spells upon ourselves, and braved the entrance of the Crypt. We could hear horrible sounds.. Large claws dragging along the floor, creatures whimpering and some who emitted low, guttural, growls.

We were attacked by all of them. It was a tiring and gruelling slog down stairs and through strange doorways.. I was exhausted, my will wavering as we continued. I couldn’t have lived through this without the companionship of my comrades who’d braved this with me. Eighteen floors or pure torturous pain, near death experiences and terrifying creatures we battled with.


On the final floor of this Crypt.. We encountered a strange being. She was exactly what Error had felt. Throughout the final room, her maddening shrieks and wails echoed off the walls. I believe I could’ve easily gone mad after that experience. Our gladiators, archers and druids attacked with all their might. She was easily overpowered which surprised me. After a short fight, we didn’t manage to defeat her, she cast some sort of.. Spell which flung me against the wall..


I woke up and found myself back in my bed at the Suomi inn. Error had again vanished to make his report to the King's court, and he’d taken his assistant Trial with him. Myself and the rest of my companions were once again left to discuss our experiences. I found a rolled up parchment in my pigeon hole the following morning with a golden medal bearing the King’s insignia as a royal thank you, and that was that.

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