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The Suomi Troupe

The Troupe is an organisation of Suomi town within Temuair that strives to bring events to other Aislings. These events are fun, have a roleplaying aspect, and try to bring players together. Troupe also has access to the Catch The Flag map to organise events that involve that area. The Troupe is a roleplaying organisation, and aim to try and bring some semblance of roleplay into the world of Dark Ages. It's now more difficult with the smaller population but The Troupe will still try.


The Troupe also designs quests and submits these to Kru. We also work with the GMs, most recently Error, in order to try to help them with their aims and see what they need from us, such as daily quests most recently. (Low level kill, fetch quests, item suggestions/quest chains, and quality of life update suggestions).


The Troupe has weekly meetings at the Suomi Inn which anyone can attend. 


Roles within the Troupe;

  • Volunteer

  • Culture Advocate

  • Suomi Troupe

  • Suomi Burgess


Volunteers are those who are not officially a part of the Troupe. They attend meetings, help put together the events we host, and also brainstorm for quests to implement, as well as ideas to help the game in general.


Culture Advocates - this is the first rung of the ladder within the Troupe. These are players who have decided to apply for advocacy. They need to have some service given to the Troupe in order to apply, some experience of what we do.


Gain - Suomi Culture Advocate legend mark


Suomi Troupe - these are members who have been in service to the Troupe for quite a while. They give up their former citizenship in order to become a Suomi Citizen. These Aislings organise events, brainstorm quests, and other updates to the game that we present to Kru.


Gain - Suomi Troupe title, Suomi Troupe uniform, Meteor Tool & Troupe Tool & requires Suomi Citizenship.


These are two other legend marks given for services, more information can be found directly on the Suomi Troupe forums which I will link below.


Suomi Burgess - this is an Aisling who has been selected and appointed by Kru. This is the leader of the Troupe, and leads the direction of the Troupe as a whole. Burgess perform the same functions as the Troupe members, just a lot more administrative work (from my own perspective).


Gain - Suomi Burgess title, Suomi Troupe uniform, Suomi Burgess Tool & Suomi Troupe Create, and Event Marker trinket & requires Suomi Citizenship.


Troupe Member Trinkets & Uniform

decent troupe.gif

Male and Female Troupe uniform

claudine troupe.gif
troupe tool.jpg

Suomi Burgess Trinkets

burgess tool.jpg
create tool.jpg
event marker.jpg

Exclusive Troupe Room

Burgesses Claudine & Topic


© Claudine MacAmhlaigh 2020 & 2021(Sinead Esther McCauley)

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