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Santa's Toy Story

It was Christmas in Deoch 78 and...
And a man was searching for his lover...
his search lead him to Mount Giragan...
He asked everyone throughout temauir 
if they had seen his lover...
But as he was a burly warrior who 
rewarded aislings with experience, 
he was misunderstood and continuously engaged in battle...
He made his way through the battle grounds of Mount Giragan
and wound up at the North Pole...
To impress his lover once he found her
he wanted to craft the most beautiful ring in the lands...
He used a copper file to refine the form of a beautiful
Large Emerald Ring, shaping it exquisitly. 
Emerald was his lover's favorite color...
After laboring for days on his perfected Large Emerald Ring
the copper file snapped in half and he was unable
to finish crafting the gift he had intended...
Santa was at a loss for what to do. 
That was just when he remembered there 
existed a goblin master deep in Mount Giragan 
who had knowledge of gem smithing 
and rogue practices that could aid him in his endeavor...
Santa packed his sleigh, belongings and the unfinished ring
and head off to conquer the mountain...
On his way through the frostbitton land of Mount Giragan
a snow meadow with something faintly out of place
caught his eye.
Santa steered the sleigh towards the meadow with haste
slapping the reigns of rudolf as if he was in a race
to Mount Merry.
As he got closer it became clear what was out of place here...
A stunning red rose, that had just started to blossom.
Santa felt a sense of bewilderment and got off the sleigh
Even Rudolf who loved traveling in cold lands in his free time
has a confused look on his reindeer face...
Interestingly enough, the rose was a single stem,
not growing into the snow below, but floating with a red aura
surrounding it. Santa was weary to touche the rose that seemed
to be enchanted. Santa looked at Rudolf who nodded in agreeance
that he should touch it. Santa touched the rose and a bellowing
voice came from the mountain.
"You have touched the Rose of Eternity"
"You have one moon to find your true love and gift the rose to
her to seal your love for her in the sands of time, fail and
you will never find true love again"
Santa fell backwards, scouring the area 
for his glasses that fell off.
Rudolph nudged Santa to get up, 
the rose in his hand was glowing
a more ominous red aura now.
Santa was determined. There was a lady from the market
in Mount Merry who he had always had an eye for.
The lady was the hardest worker there other than the elves.
She worked with grace, kindness and a loving heart,
despite being in charge of one of the busiest places
in all of Temauir, which was Santa's Toy factory.
He gave her the flower, she ended being Yeti
and she killed him.

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