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Paradise Luau Events

Greetings Aislings,

The warm sun and salty air of the beach are as intoxicating as the drinks here in Paradise, and we're all ready to let loose and have a little fun while the weather is fair. Join us for a few games in the surf and the sand both in Paradise and in Lynith. All of Temuair is invited, so don't be shy and bring your friends! You may win a prize or a unique legend mark, who knows!

Topic and Emiko,
Suomi Burgesses

The troupe-hosted event will be on August 19th and August 20th:

August 19th:
8 PM GMT / 3 PM EST / 12 PM PST - Fashion Show (Paradise)
10 PM GMT / 5 PM EST / 2 PM PST - Cannibal! (Paradise)
12 AM GMT / 7 PM EST / 4 PM PST - Cannon Chaos (Paradise)

August 20th:
8 PM GMT / 3 PM EST / 12 PM PST - Pet Show (Paradise)
10 PM GMT / 5 PM EST / 2 PM PST - Pig Roast (Lynith Beach)
12 AM GMT / 7 PM EST / 4 PM PST - Lost Trunks! (Paradise)
3 AM GMT / 10 PM EST / 7 PM PST - Sink or Swim (Paradise)

Details for the events scheduled above are subject to change. Such changes will be announced on the "Events of Temuair" board as well as in a world shouts in the game. Thank you for your understanding, and please enjoy the games!

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