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Mastering in your chosen path

Once you have reached insight 99, you can choose to sub, or master. You can also master once you gain insight 99 after subbing. In order to master, you need to master something. Each class has different requirements. You also need a master set which can be hunted from CR56, or bought/donated from other players. 


Below is the health and mana you need. Skills/spells/mastering requirements. Items for master set, and the area you need to go to put your master set together.

As shown on the video above, you can empower your weapon with a bent crux and talos ore (hunted from low Chaos), enlist in the Goblin War at the Grassfields. 


This is where master rogue, warrior and monks will receive their helmets. See the video, you need to enlist and then kill 2 of each type of Goblin, you can get help but must give the killing blow.


After this, you can view the ascension page in order to buy stats and max your stats.


Then it would be onto the Grand master quests, which are also a separate page.



© Claudine MacAmhlaigh 2020 & 2021(Sinead Esther McCauley)

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