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Item Hunting (necessary!)

How to hunt a Ghast Skull


Use a low level char


I keep my war/priest


under level 40 for this stuff :)

Here is how to easily hunt Veltain Ores


If you have characters grouped at the entrance just sat, the more chests you will get


Goes without saying, don't go AFK !

How to hunt items in Andor 1-80 solo


I use a priz or pure wizard majority of the time


Fas/curse & dark bash or dark spell (Deception of Life)


Ard cradh & high SA.


Ard cradh & high HOF.


With area of effect spells be careful to NOT hit a boro, the yellow/red slugs. They WILL skull you.


I recommend over 50/50 atleast hp/mp wise

Here is how to hunt Assassin Wolf Locks


Use keeter 9+, or Hof 5+


Fas and ard, so take a caster


Keep beag cradh'd

Again the same as LR3 for Wolf Locks.


Keeter 9+ or Hof 5+


Fas/ard cradh+


Keep healed


Tonics just pop into  your inventory


Safest place to get red extonics

How to hunt Marble Slabs in Lost Ruins


Fas/Curse and Hof 5+ or Keeter 9+ does the trick just fine


Quest chain to get into Slabs easily is;

'Marble Slabs'


Pian Na Dion & Mor PND are the best to kill with as these ao sith.


Curse & dark spell will kill too.


Dark necklace bashing.


Traps, pitfall or maiden traps.


Mobs will ao sith you & themselves.

Pian Na Dion & Mor PND are the best to kill with as these ao sith.


Curse & dark spell will kill too.


Dark necklace bashing.


Traps, pitfall or maiden traps.


Same as key hunting really.

How to hunt Band of Storms/Gales


(Sinturi drop the Band of Gales, Baem of Winds drop the Band of Storms)


Torck 12+ to kill, fas, curse, heals, frost arrow

works well as seen

How to hunt missives


A decent priz can solo these.

Deception of life can also kill with fas/demise

Torck 12+ to kill, fas, curse

How to hunt Red Extonics from Deep Andor.


I'd recommend going in a group, (wake scroll, heal) but I mean, very slowly it can be done solo.


I've heard poisoning the room on a pure rogue whilst hidden is good, as with their skill shadow figure can finish the kill and remain hidden.


Rogue/wizard summoner can solo well as can hide if there are too many. I kinda got stuck when too many were attacking me.

© Claudine MacAmhlaigh 2020 & 2021(Sinead Esther McCauley)

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