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Ascension - to buy stats/hp/mp

First things first, in order to ascend, you need to be insight 97+


With a legend mark of Aisling of Talgonite/Mythril/Hy-Brasyl


To do this, you need to have Respected Citizen on your legend mark. For Aisling of Talgonite (the most common method), being a Tagor Citizen will bypass Respected Citizen for this.





This quest enables you to place a succubus hair into the Mileth altar to be killed and enter the realm of the Gods where you can buy HP from Deoch and MP from Gramail


As a master, you need to be able to buy stats to max your stats.

Max stats for each class are as follows;



© Claudine MacAmhlaigh 2020 & 2021(Sinead Esther McCauley)

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