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Aingeal's Dilemma

"This has to be the most difficult decision ever, and it feels impossible to stick to my Oath as a Healer", Aingeal thought. How could someone as sweet-looking as him ever committed such a heinous crime of killing the Beast of Mileth?


The Beast, affectionately known as "Pete the Kelby", was a beloved Kelberoth that all Mundanes in Temuair loved. He had been slain by this very man, who was now known as Aresmas, "The Butcher".


Aingeal was a Healer, one who had taken the Oath of Danaan to be compassionate to all beings. "What should I do?" Aingeal thought to herself, "If I heal this man, I may be dooming him to eternal hatred by all Aislings of Temuair. Would it not be easier on him to let him die? And yet, if I choose not to save him, I would be violating my own Oath to Danaan herself that I took many Deochs ago."


Just then, the man stirred. His eyes twinkled in a way that made Aingeal feel like he had just read her mind. "It is quite a difficult decision, is it not? I have chosen to die, with or without honor. But, I would like to tell you the truth."


Aresmas proceeded to tell a story of his defense of the Mileth Castle with a band of fierce warriors. It was a night where the Moon was hidden by the clouds. At twilight, he stirred to a raucous din that was being made in the castle itself. "Something is wrong. Nothing should ever be this loud. What is going on?" Aresmas came out of his barracks and stopped. To his horror, hundreds of guards, many of them of his own troop, were slaughtering one another.


They all had very odd looks on their faces. Then, Aresmas saw a flash of silver and iron that made his blood still. The Talos had corrupted the very souls of his men. In the distance, a bloodcurdling roar filled the air. "No, this cannot be. Pete!" Aresmas's best buddy, The Monk, fought the Kelberoth as best as he could. But with a flash of light, it swiped at him and stabbed him with the Cross. He keeled over in his own blood. "Ares! Do it! It's open!" Aresmas ran over, picked up the Cross, and impaled the Kelberoth. It was over. *** Aingeal stared at the man. "Now you know my story. Let me just make it easy for you." He took out his kris, lifted it up, and pointed it towards himself. "To your health." "NO, I will not let you do it!"


Her decision was made. Why would him, a stranger, attempt to do something like that to himself after saving everyone? Aingeal needed to know more. She lifted her eyes to look at Aresmas. "I love the people of Mileth. I would never do anything to disrespect her."


And he passed out.

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